To better understand the drivers of a market, one great strategy is to follow who’s doing all the buying. With businesses becoming increasingly mobile, it’s an easy guess that mobility-related spending will increase. Some estimates have that spending pushing the total market spend as high as $71 billion, with small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) spending the bulk of those dollars.
In a recent AMI Partners study, businesses that have fewer than 100 employees will account for 80 percent of the mobility spending; businesses that have 100–999 employees will make up the other 20 percent. Small businesses that have fewer than 100 employees are a lot more difficult to target and have a much larger mix of products they desire. There are fewer midsized businesses in the 100–999 category, and each of those firms spends bigger dollars than the average small business. As a result, it’s easier to understand their spending and growing business needs.
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